Wednesday, August 08, 2007

10 things about me

1) I once had an intimate dinner with a Serial Killer (now do you get why I laughed Royce when you said you thought your date from hell might have eaten you)

2) I had ADHD as a kid and put a key in an electric socket and fell out an upstairs window before I was 2yrs old. This may explain a lot!

3) I've had my nose broken 4 times

4) My nickname (and my brothers) was Rubber Lips (at school)

5)I love guys with freckles and red hair (and my brother ONLY dated girls with this coloring)

6) I joined the Mile High Club (involuntarily) last year on a flight from Buenos Aires. When I woke up with my pants undone

7)I have always had identical twins as buddies (ever since junior school) and still have two sets
as good pals

8) My best buddy in the WORLD is DREW. We've known each other since we were 12 and had a thing at 19 for a couple of years. It sounds strange but we can communicate without talking.....Weird!!!!!!!

9)I have my dead dogs name and the initials of my ex partner tattooed on my stomach

10) I fall in love too easily and usually with someone who doesn't feel the same way

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Sorry about my lack of cut and paste skills (hell its late!) In the piece below Kate W's pic appears twice? Anyhow S.G. is at the bottom of page.

The Beautiful and The Dammed

As I said I've been a Make-Up Artist for over 2o years and have been privileged to work with some great( and some not so great people)

A)Kate Winslet. Really sweet, very natural, no entourage and asked me about me!

B) Mary Elizabeth
Beautiful Skin, Totally Down to Earth, again No Entourage, Very Interesting, said I was handsome, Just a pleasure to work with

C) Sophie Ellis Bexter (Pop Princess) Cheek Bones
that would cut butter. Had heard she was aloof and
difficult.... HOW WRONG. She is not only beautiful,
but intelligent, hilarious and a total sweetheart

D) Sienna Guillroy (Yeah Who?) apparently she's in
some sci-fi flick Eragon and Helen of Troy.....but wasn't
she supposed to be beautiful? But Miss G. is a BIG star in
her mind. Living proof Beauty is only skin deep

Saturday, July 28, 2007


If your life is a bit 'crazy' this book should help. It even has a chapter on "de-junking your Family. I found the chapter on Friends useful, and ditched about ten 'lame ducks'. Sadly one of them was the thoughtful pal who recommended it.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Let's hope the water was cold!

I was going to write my 10 things list..........but I wanna sleep so Here's Shemar instead!